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Holbrook Youth Flag Football

HYFF 2020 Safety Plan

Holbrook Youth Flag Football (HYFF) 2020 Safety Plan

- Due to the structure and the inability to maintain a constant 6ft from others, all players, coaches, volunteers and spectators will be required to wear a face covering during practices and games. This includes players on the field during games.
- HYFF players, coaches and volunteers will need to provide their own face covering.
- Each player will be given a designated spot on the sideline to allow them to social
distance and have mask breaks.
- Only one spectator per player is allowed to attend practices and games.
- Coaches, teams and spectators may not arrive more than 5 minutes before their
scheduled practice/game and will need to leave the field as soon as the
practice/game is over.
- All players, coaches, and spectators that are not playing, coaching or have a child
playing a game during that scheduled time will need to leave the field.
- All player flag belts will need to be labeled with the player’s name and sanitized after
every practice and game. (Sanitation items provided to coaches should not be used
for personal use and should only be used for the purpose of sanitation of HYFF
equipment and players during practices and games).
- Footballs will be sanitized before each game, as well as during halftime. They
should also be sanitized before practices.
- Spectators must remain in the designated viewing areas, wear a face covering and
practice social distancing.
- All coaches, volunteers and parents/guardians must sign the HYFF playing waiver
and the Safety Plan requirements to acknowledge their agreement before attending
any practice or game. Waiver will be valid for the entire HYFF season. Safety plan
information will be updated as new guidelines become available. New signatures
will be needed on safety plan if updates are made.
- Coaches will have hand sanitizer available but we encourage each player to bring
their own.
- Coaches will be required to schedule all practices with the league. No unscheduled
practices may be held. This is needed for the league to track any possible exposure
should a case arise.
- Coaches will be required to submit attendance for practices and games. A reason
for absence of any player will need to be noted.
- Players and coaches must refrain from physical gestures such as high fives and
- No food is allowed at the field.
- No spitting is allowed.
- Players are required to bring their own drink to practices and games. Drinks must be
labeled with the player’s name. There is no sharing of drinks allowed.
- If you or a member of your household travels outside of Massachusetts to a state
that is not listed on the low risk states must notify HYFF of their travel
and are not permitted to attend any practices, games or league events for 14 days
unless a negative COVID-19 test result is submitted.
- Anyone not feeling well, who have been exposed or are exhibiting signs or
symptoms of illness or COVID-19 are not allowed to attend any practices, games or
league related events.
- Any exposure or symptoms of COVID-19 need to be reported to the league
President, Kelly Silvia, immediately by both the coach and parent/guardian.
- The League President will handle notifying necessary parties of possible
exposure to COVID-19.
- Anyone who exhibits symptoms or has had exposure to COVID-19 will be
required to submit a negative test result in order resume play and attendance.
- Anyone who has been exposed or diagnosed is unable to attend any league
related games, practices or events until they receive both medical and league
clearance. A doctor’s note will be required to show clearance to return.
- HYFF is not responsible for any costs for testing or medical care related to
any services provided as a result of COVID-19 or any other communicable
disease diagnosis or exposure.
- If a player is reported as injured or sick from any illness that requires medical
attention, a doctor’s note clearing them return will be required for them to return to
- Anyone not following the federal, state, local and league safety guidelines will be
asked to leave the field. Police will be involved with anyone who continues not to
follow the guidelines.

Acknowledgement and agreement to above safety plan:

_________________________________________ ______________
Signature Date

_________________________________________ _______________________________
Print Name Name of player if applicable

Holbrook Youth Flag Football

Linwood Street 
Holbrook, Massachusetts 02343
Email : [email protected]
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